DELTA TECH GMBH develops and produces medical devices since 1992. We develop ideas that can be realized, concentrating on the important.
The many developments by DELTA TECH GMBH done in more than 30 years aren't always spectacularly new, but often an improvement of the existing, too.
Because of this our products are well established on the market.
The most important difference is that with us, you get development, production and sale, all from one source.
Many of you value our flexibility and motivaton. With a flat hirarchy and short ways for decision finding as well as clearly defined competencies we ensure swiftness and high quality.
Our mission today and in the future is to find solutions that provide additional value. With dedicated personnel we want to achieve the best possible accomplishments in all our fields of work.
We act client oriented and communicate openly, honestly and quickly.
We're innovative, creative and flexible.
We work professional and on focus.
We treat us and our environment respectfully and enduringly..
We value our employees as our greatest asset.
Online Support
Here you can download our TeamViewer client so we are able to help you out fast and efficient if you encounter any problems with our products.
Skype is an excellent means of communication for online presentations. You can download it for free.
We are happy to help you with any questions you may have about our products. Test us!
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